Donnerstag, 23. September 2010

Autumn is come....

The falling leaves drift by my window....
and I'm going to have a break for two weeks.....
After those two weeks I will write new stuff for you......
I'm looking forward to it!

Lanvin loves H&M

An amazing collection arrived in the H&M Stores..........
Check it out on
What do you think about cutting the Mohawk.....
Please give your statement.

Mittwoch, 15. September 2010

I love it to travel dressed up like a rich asshole who don't gives a fuck on the people around him.....

Its me....

There are only a few things to say.....
I am not very important. I'm just a part of the huge process called life.
The things I do aren't important too.
But I do them with love.
The one thing you will see here is one of my biggest loves.
I'm nearly married with my cam and I love it to walk through the cities and take some pics of all the nice people and their different styles.
And that's what I'm going to show you.